Hyperstellar Eye
In collaboration with Rachel Mansun and Phillip Timmons.
Inspired by the work of Haus-Rucker-Co in the 1960s and 70s, our studio designed “mind expander” devices - architectural experiences that provide unusual sensory experiences. Myself and the two other classmates focused on the power of mirrors to fascinate and disorient. By experimenting with flexible mirror paper, we discovered that a conically shaped mirror creates compelling visual stimulation when positioned close to one’s face. Multiplying that conical form into an icosahedron created a suspended head enclosure that disconnects users from the world, while reconnecting them to their senses. The visual effect was supplemented by a speaker positioned in the top cone that played audio from a microphone, distorted using a custom program.
Video documentation of the experience within the Hyperstellar Eye.
Images from design and construction.